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iMac 发表于 2005-12-20 16:18 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
微软因特网探索将得到重大安全改善与即将来 临IE 7.0 版本。近几个月来, 成千上万网际网络用户交换对供选择 的浏览器, 象Firefox, 由于安全关心与IE 微软希望诱使人与保护 方式的一个最近被设计的浏览器, phishing 过滤和甚而选中浏览。

IE7 对开发商当前是只可得到的在公共技术预览(CTP) 。浏览器的新被 保护的方式比主要操作系统和这个浏览器可能访问和只写给浏览器 具体文件将跑IE7 与比较低的特权。" 经纪" 过程将提供通信如果 这个浏览器需要保存规则文件。这个特点不是现在可以得到与IE7 这预览修造, 而是将出现与窗口Vista 伸手可及的距离β2 状态。

有是 几改善保护用户反对phishing 的, 假的URL 改方向和可疑源语句 库证明。这个浏览器与早先被参观的站点的名单将比较一个网址地 址在计算机。另外, 站点将被分析为phishing 的特征和将被检查 反对被知道的欺骗网站点的微软被维护的名单。一个弹开窗口与一 个红色疆界将被显示当这个浏览器认为你是在一个phishing 的站点 。

新抽缩适合打印和组合stop/refresh 按钮将被增加。网 页打印通常是命中或错过事理和大页可能被切除于底部或边。新浏 览器将称文本下来适合webpage 在被打印的页。联合的中止和消除 疲劳按钮节省可贵的toolbar 空间。

Firefox 用户将体验一点 ' d..j.. vu ' 如同IE7 愿Firexfox 有有一阵子的特点。IE7 最后 将得到被选中的浏览。与规则网浏览每个被打开的网页是在它自己 的窗口。与今天大显示器, 用户必须也手工驾驶对各个窗口或使用 高度带子。IE7's 被选中的浏览意志包含所有被打开的网页入一唯 一窗玻璃。

[ 本帖最后由 iMac 于 2005-12-20 16:20 编辑 ]
iMac  楼主| 发表于 2005-12-20 16:19 | 显示全部楼层
Microsoft's Internet Explorer will get significant security improvements with the upcoming IE 7.0 version. In recent months, millions of Internet users have switched to alternative browsers, like Firefox, because of security concerns with IE. Microsoft hopes to lure those people back with a newly designed browser that will have protected mode, phishing filters and even tabbed browsing.

IE7 is currently only available to developers in a Community Technology Preview (CTP). The browser's new protected mode will run IE7 with lower privileges than the main operating system and the browser can only access and write to browser specific files. A "broker" process will provide communication if the browser needs to save regular files. This feature is not currently available with this preview build of IE7, but will show up with Windows Vista reaches beta 2 status.

There will be several improvements to protect users against phishing, false URL redirection and suspicious SSL certificates. The browser will compare a web site address to a list of previously visited sites in the computer. In addition, sites will be analyzed for phishing characteristics and checked against a Microsoft maintained list of known fraudulent web sites. A pop-up window with a red border will be displayed when the browser thinks you are on a phishing site.

A new shrink to fit printing and the combination stop/refresh button will be added. Web page printing has usually been a hit or miss affair and large pages can be cut off at the bottom or the sides. The new browser will scale the text down to fit the webpage on the printed page. A combined stop and refresh button saves valuable toolbar space.

Firefox users will experience a bit of 'déjà vu' as IE7 will a feature that Firexfox has had for a while. IE7 will finally get tabbed browsing. With regular web browsing every opened web page will be in its own window. Even with the large monitors of today, users have to either manually navigate to each window or use Alt-Tab. IE7's tabbed browsing will contains all the opened web pages into a single window pane.

[[i] 本帖最后由 iMac 于 2005-12-20 16:20 编辑 [/i]]

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hy1127 发表于 2005-12-20 17:39 | 显示全部楼层

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