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中文名: [牛津搭配词典][第二版]
英文名: [Oxford Collocation Dictionary][2nd Edition]
资源格式: 光盘镜像
发行日期: 2009年
地区: 美国
Oxford Collocations Dictionary,牛津搭配词典是一本较全面的英语搭配用法词典。收词9000条,各种搭配用法达到15万。例句丰富,多达5万多个,收录大量从近年真实语料中选取的例句,真实生动,25个“用法说明”,按照不同主题归类,10页分类插图,介绍不同领域的搭配用法.让英语单词“为我所用” 想说出自然地道的英文吗?想扩大自己的词汇量吗?想提高写作能力吗?毫无疑问,任何英语学习者的回答都是肯定的。针对广大英语学习者的实际情况,《牛津英语搭配词典》从崭新的角度探究了英语中词与词之间的组合关系。
Oxford Collocations Dictionary for students of English(NEW EDITION)
English level:
Upper-Intermediate to Advanced
B2 to C2
The dictionary that helps students write and speak natural-sounding English, now in a new edition with CD-ROM.
Which words usually go together? This dictionary shows you the common word combinations (collocations) that are essential for natural-sounding British and American English. Completely revised and extended, the new edition has over 250,000 collocations and over 75,000 examples.
Key features
1.Based on the Oxford English Corpus, a 2-billion word corpus that provides authoritative information on the most typical collocations.
2.Collocations only found in British or American English are clearly labelled.
3.Examples, using British and American English, show how collocations work in context.
4.Headwords printed in blue help you find the right word faster.
5.CD-ROM with the complete dictionary, a searchable index that makes it easy to find the collocation you are looking for, and practice exercises.
6.CD-ROM has pop-up definitions of every word included in the dictionary, with spoken pronunciation of British and American English.
7.Collocations grouped according to part of speech and meaning.
8.Usage notes show collocations shared by sets of words such as languages and seasons.
9.16-page Study section.